Professor of ASU Participates in International Geographical Forum

Professor of ASU Participates in International Geographical Forum

Professor Alexander Barmin, Dean of the Department of Geology & Geography of Astrakhan State University, has told us about his participation in the Conference “Geography, Culture and Society for Our Future Earth” arranged by the International Geographical Union at Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia.

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“The recent scientific forum united over 1, 500 participants from 50 countries. Its agenda included thematic sessions, seminars, round-table talks, lectures, and exhibitions. Well-known scientists discussed current global issues of Geography: climate changes, biodiversity improvement, and impact of the human factor upon those processes. Numerous interesting forecasts were presented; they concerned temperature rises, melting glaciers, submergence of vast areas, and a new ice age. As for my report, its theme was “Natural System of Volga River’s Mouth: Dynamics of Changes in Hydrological & Climatic Rates”; it was followed by a discussion, as it was of special interest for my colleagues at the Forum.

Reports by our Chinese and Indian colleagues were of great value for me; they told about top-priority fields of research activities in their home countries. In particular, there is an institute of Geography in each Chinese prefecture; it undertakes various researches – from natural resources to analyzing quality changes in the environment. Our Indian colleagues spoke a lot about landscape modification and preservation of biodiversity.

It’s China that’ll host the 2016 Conference of the International Geographical Union. Of course, our University will send its faculty there, as that event will certainly contribute to our educational cooperation and to sharing experience in the field of Geography”.

Interviewed by T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)