Students of Our Department of Business & Economy Contribute to Tackling Budget-Related Issues

Students of Our Department of Business & Economy Contribute to Tackling Budget-Related Issues

Professor Oxana Mineva, Dean of the Department of Business & Economy of Astrakhan State University, has told us about her students’ participation in the regional project “Budget for Citizens”.

“During the last four months, our students participated in the project arranged by the Ministry of Finances of Astrakhan Region, together with teams of the Regional Ministry of Education and Science, the Healthcare Ministry, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, and the Astrakhan city authorities.

Four students of our Department have presented their projects to the jury. They all became winners in their nominations. Alfiya Yusupova presented her project “Budget for Families Having Many Children”, which won in the nomination “Quality of Project Presentation”. The theme of Alexandra Borodina’s project was “Budget for Students”; it won in the nomination “Clear Structure, Substantial & Illustrative Contents”. The project by Yulia Shubina “Budget for Pensioners” has won in the nomination “Distinct Social Orientation of Budget”.

A fourth project was the joint project “Execution of Budget for Citizens in 2013” by Natalya Kunyashova, Ekaterina Messel, and Mariam Oganisyan; it was presented to the College of the Ministry of Finances of Astrakhan Region as an illustrated leaflet. The three authors’ report concerned both their research activities within this project and their plans to develop an interactive budget for citizens; it’s been approved by Mr. Alexander Zhilkin, Governor of Astrakhan Region, and by Mr. Vitaliy Shvedov, Minister of Finances of Astrakhan Region. All our six students – authors of the four projects – have been granted letters of commendation by the Regional Ministry of Finances”.


Russian original information source: the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU
Russian original photo source: the Department of Business & Economy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)