First Outcomes of 2016 Admission Campaign

First Outcomes of 2016 Admission Campaign

Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Commission of Astrakhan State University, comments the recent main stage of enrolling students to bachelor and specialist programs.

According to Dr. Tovarnichenko, 2, 214 applications were submitted to study on full-time terms and 209 ones – on distance terms. Applications to study on distance terms shall be received up to September 15.

On July 22, students coming from Crimea and Sebastopol were enrolled. Each Russian university was entitled to provide 2 to 5 % of budget-funded positions for such people. 18 young people from Crimea and Sebastopol have become students of Astrakhan State University this year.

The final competition lists with ranked applicants claiming for studies of budget-funded terms were published on July 27, and any applicant could see what his or her ranking position is on the list related to this or that particular specialty.

This year, the prioritizing system was canceled: applicants had to choose themselves (from July 27 to August 01) just one specialty to which they would submit the original of their documents of previous education and their consents for enrolment.

On July 29, people within the special and the target quotas were enrolled (the special quota refers to individuals with special needs, orphans, and warfare veterans; the target quota refers to those who signed target contracts). 31 people have been enrolled to ASU within the special quota and 46 people – within the target quota. “This year, we enrolled an applicant without an entrance competition and without entrance exams”, Dr. Tovarnichenko says. “Konstantin Sidorov, an alumnus of Astrakhan’s Lyceum #1, won a contest in Discrete Mathematics and Theory of ICT, which is included into the official list of contests of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Konstantin was the only person in Astrakhan who got 100 points in Math at the Unified State Examination. He was enrolled to ASU, and he will study Information Systems & Technologies.

The first stage of enrolment – to 80 % of budget-funded positions that remained vacant for the general entrance competition – took place on August 01. Overall, 727 budget-funded positions were provided for full-time and part-time bachelor and specialist programs. By the first stage, given some positions had already been occupied, 631 positions had remained. 517 students were enrolled then, including 32 people who will study at our Znamensk Branch. By the second stage of enrolment (August 03-06), 210 budget-funded positions remained vacant. According to Dr. Tovarnichenko, it was mainly those who wanted to study in larger cities, but did not pass the local entrance competitions, who were enrolled at the second stage. Their scores were in average higher than scores of people enrolled at the first stage.

In 2016, there has been a very high competition for such programs as Linguistics, Sociology, and Economics, as well as to practically all the specializations of Pedagogical Education (passing scores exceeded 200 points). As Dr. Tovarnichenko believes, that is due to the fact that education in Humanities is becoming of higher and higher demand nowadays.

Now documents from those wishing to study on paid terms are being received. ASU shall make good discounts for those who gained good scores at the Unified State Examination, but who could not pass the competition for budget-funded positions.

Candidates are welcome to apply to distance studies on paid terms. Let us congratulate all those enrolled, and let us wish them good luck in their studies!

Interviewed by T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Official Internet Portal Support Directorate of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)