Outcomes of 2016 Admission Campaign: Master & PhD Programs

Outcomes of 2016 Admission Campaign: Master & PhD Programs

Outcomes of enrolling candidates to cover master and PhD programs at Astrakhan State University have been summarized.

A master program makes it possible for a student to enhance the level of their professional competencies: they can either improve their knowledge in a particular specialization, or learn another specialization within the same field of knowledge, or get an entirely new profession. “Various combinations are possible here. For example, a person with a bachelor degree in Economics (Finances & Credit) can cover the master program “Accounting & Audit” or select a specialization in technology or in natural sciences. Master courses are becoming especially valuable, as new professional standards are being introduced. For example, if you wish to become a top manager in this or that field, you have to get education in Management first. You can get such education at Astrakhan State University by covering our master programs “Human Resources Management” or “Management”, Dr. Tovarnichenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Commission of ASU, comments.

One could enhance their professional competencies within two years by covering a master program on budget-funded (for people with a new bachelor degree) or on paid terms. According to Dr. Tovarnichenko, 395 budget-funded positions were provided this year: 345 ones for full-time studies, 10 ones for part-time studies, and 40 ones for distance studies. 1, 010 applicants claimed to assume those 345 positions, i.e. the average entrance competition rate was 3 applications per position.

ASU also offers a wide range of PhD programs to cover – 20 specialties with over 70 specializations. Our University has its own dissertation councils, which makes it possible for our postgraduate students not only to obtain the necessary competencies for their professional activities, but also to present the findings of their research to key scholars of a number of Russia’s research and educational institutions. “Once you got your specialist or master diploma and if you wish to become a researcher, you may sign up for a PhD program at ASU”, Dr. Tatyana Dakhina, Chief of the Unit of PhD Courses of ASU, explains. “It’s mainly Full Professors and Doctors of Sciences who are research supervisors of our students. We have a modern material base. Budget-funded positions shall be assumed by the worthiest candidates, who will develop the Russian science and present scientific research as a prestigious field to specialize in”.

In 2016, 15 candidates were enrolled to our PhD programs on budget-funded terms and 22 candidates – on paid terms.

Candidates are welcome to apply to distance coverage of bachelor and specialist programs on paid terms prior to September 15. We look forward to seeing you at our University.

Interviewed by T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Official Internet Portal Support Directorate of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)