ASU students to receive Azerbaijan scholarship for the first time

ASU students to receive Azerbaijan scholarship for the first time

A delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan headed by Deputy Minister of Education and Science Firudin Isa oglu Gurbanov has arrived at Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev today. The main purpose of the visit was to award scholarships to distinguished students.

Astrakhan State University students will receive scholarship of Azerbaijan for the first time

Astrakhan State University has a long history of strategic partnership with educational and scientific organisations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. At the moment about 2000 foreign students study at the university, more than 80 of them are citizens of Azerbaijan. A centre representing our university in Baku has been established and is successfully functioning.

Establishment of the first scholarship of a friendly state in Russia is enshrined in the cooperation agreement signed between the university and the Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. According to the document, starting from the current academic year the selected full-time students of ASU - citizens of the states of the Caspian region will be able to receive a scholarship of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Deputy Minister of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Firudin Isa oglu Gurbanov and Acting Rector of ASU Igor Alekseev addressed the guests of the ceremony with welcoming words.

"Astrakhan State University attaches great importance to the development of partnership relations with Azerbaijan. In 2023, we have a unique opportunity to become the first Russian university whose students can receive scholarships from the Republic of Azerbaijan. We accepted it with great respect and responsibly fulfilled all the work that preceded it. I am confident that the establishment of this scholarship for talented students of our university will serve as a driver for the development and strengthening of already established friendly relations with educational organisations of the Republic of Azerbaijan," Igor Alekseev said.

Talented students of Astrakhan State University, studying at the levels of bachelor's, specialist's, and master's degrees, will receive a scholarship of 6858 rubles, and students at the level of postgraduate and doctoral studies will receive a scholarship of 7386 rubles.

The happy recipients of the increased scholarship include:

- Valeria Kazantseva, a second-year student of the Faculty of History and Social Communications;

- Kirill Kotov, a third-year student of the Faculty of History and Social Communications;

- fourth-year student of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology, Hospitality and Sport Anastasia Khajaeva;

- Daniil Belyaev, a first-year master's student of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Chemistry and Technosphere Safety;

- Victoria Koryakova, a second-year master's student of the Faculty of Digital Technologies and Cyber Security;

- second-year PhD student Pavel Tamkov.

"I am very pleased to be present today at this event, within the walls of the university where the President of my country Ilham Aliyev is an honorary professor. It is on his initiative that the programme of awarding state scholarship is carried out. Education is a sphere that defines the future. There is a very good statement of Sergey Mikhalkov, he said: "Today children - tomorrow people". The future of the country depends on how our young people will be formed, what speciality they will choose for themselves. The scholarship has a symbolic meaning and is awarded to students who have shown really high achievements in studies and research. I wish all the students of Astrakhan State University success in their studies and research and congratulate today's scholarship holders. Good luck in future life", - said Firudin Isa Ogly Gurbanov.

Acting Rector Igor Alekseev and Vice-Rector for International Activities Angelina Fadina also conducted an excursion for the delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. They visited laboratories and centres, scientific library, Caspian Higher School of Translation, swimming pool and other structures of the University and got acquainted with the material and technical support of the university.

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