
At AGU, Unleash Your Feminine Fascination: The Marvel Forum

At AGU, Unleash Your Feminine Fascination: The Marvel Forum

AGU's "Equilibrium" Psychological Service beckons Astrakhan's students to sway into the whirlwind event, "Feminine Fascination."

Get ready for a cheesy adventure at AGU!

Get ready for a cheesy adventure at AGU!

Buckle up on March 11 for an exciting cheese-making expedition launching at the V.N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University. Calling all enthusiasts with vocational or higher education!

The ASU library opened an exhibition in honour of the founder of the

The ASU library opened an exhibition in honour of the founder of the "lieutenant prose"

March 15, 2024 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Bondarev, the acknowledged classic of Russian literature.

ASU students to receive Azerbaijan scholarship for the first time

ASU students to receive Azerbaijan scholarship for the first time

A delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan headed by Deputy Minister of Education and Science Firudin Isa oglu Gurbanov has arrived at Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev today. The main purpose of the visit was to award scholarships to distinguished students.

ASU USC became the best among student self-government organisations in the region

ASU USC became the best among student self-government organisations in the region

This was announced at the gala concert of the annual International Youth Festival "Caspian Prize - 2024" in the Astrakhan State Philharmonic Society.


"The Caspian Wolves" of ASU to Clash with ASUACE Team

The basketball team of the V.N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University is once again poised to reclaim its spot among the leaders.

ASU students were told about fakes in the media

ASU students were told about fakes in the media

Another meeting on the topic "Information “hygiene” in social networks: how not to become a victim of other people's provocations" was held within the framework of the discussion platform "Open Dialogue". Marta Kutyina, Deputy Head of the Regional Management Centre of the Astrakhan Region, addressed the students of the V. N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University.

AGU Unveils the Culinary Odyssey: Gastronomic School Beginnings

AGU Unveils the Culinary Odyssey: Gastronomic School Beginnings

Launching from the heart of the V. N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University, a delectable culinary program takes root in the educational hub of restaurant service and hospitality.

ASU Scientists Develop Promising Pepper Varieties

ASU Scientists Develop Promising Pepper Varieties

Researchers of the Food Security and Agrotechnology Laboratory of Astrakhan State University have tested 74 collection samples over 2020-2023. The main task is to identify the most promising varieties for the conditions of Russia’s Lower Volga region.

ASU Representative Talks about Work of Faculties at an Event in Azerbaijan

ASU Representative Talks about Work of Faculties at an Event in Azerbaijan

Astrakhan State University was represented by Marina Vedenkina, Candidate of Science in Pedagogy, at the 3rd International Scientific Conference «Higher Education in Regions: Reality and Prospects».

ASU Psychological Service will help change life for the better

ASU Psychological Service will help change life for the better

"Equilibrium" invites students to a one-day forum dedicated to Psychologist's Day, a professional holiday introduced by a government decree this year. The event will take place on November 22 at the Boiling Point Centre.

ASU Students Celebrate the International Day of Tolerance

ASU Students Celebrate the International Day of Tolerance

Students of the Faculty of Education, Psychology, Physical Education and Sport of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University took part in a discussion organized by the ASU Department of English Language and Professional Communications on the eve of the holiday.

ASU students helped to organise an international forum

ASU students helped to organise an international forum

At the forum "International transport corridor “North - South” - a new concept: quick access to premium markets in the East, Asia, Africa and India" the students of the translation department of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of V. N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University had an opportunity to put their knowledge into practice.

Students of ASU were organised a quest game

Students of ASU were organised a quest game "Investigation leads connoisseurs"

Second-year students of economic specialities of V.N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University took part in the game format event organised by the Department of English and Professional Communications.

On the basis of ASU started a series of advanced training courses

On the basis of ASU started a series of advanced training courses

The first of them was "Prevention of terrorism". A total of six directions will be implemented in the period from October to December.


"Master buzz" to combat autumn moping for ASU students

The Psychological Service of V. N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University "Equilibrium" offers students to take a master class aimed at fighting stress and restoring strength.

Acquaintance trainings were organised for ASU freshmen

Acquaintance trainings were organised for ASU freshmen

Within the adaptation week for first-year students the events organised by the psychological service of ASU "Equilibrium" started.

ASU will celebrate the Day of Knowledge

ASU will celebrate the Day of Knowledge

On the 1st of September the Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev will hold a number of events dedicated to this state holiday.

The Inclusion Institute Starts Its Work at ASU

The Inclusion Institute Starts Its Work at ASU

Astrakhan Tatishchev State University hosted the meeting with Vitaly Petelin, head of the new Centre for Adaptation Programs, Initiatives and Decisions.

ASU Rector Takes Part in the Plenary Session of the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum

ASU Rector Takes Part in the Plenary Session of the Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum

The key topic of the economic and humanitarian event opened by President of Russia Vladimir Putin was Technology and Security in the Name of Sovereign Development for the Benefit of Humankind. The session was attended by Rector of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Konstantin Markelov.

Delegation from Iran Visits ASU Center of Farsi & Iran Studies

Delegation from Iran Visits ASU Center of Farsi & Iran Studies

Representatives of Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran together with the filmmakers of Sea of Goodness visited Astrakhan Tatishchev State University to meet ASU students studying Farsi.

ASU Researchers Deliver a Comprehensive Report at Gravitation 2023 Congress

ASU Researchers Deliver a Comprehensive Report at Gravitation 2023 Congress

Representatives of federal executive bodies, IT-specialists from top national universities and IT-businesspersons gathered at the Congress venues.

More Than 1000 Prospective Students Apply to Enter ASU

More Than 1000 Prospective Students Apply to Enter ASU

Astrakhan Tatishchev State University offers 12 majors in ASU College, 75 training areas for bachelor students, 65 training areas for master students, 61 training areas for postgraduate students among research and academic staff.

ASU Students Become Winners of an International Translation Competition

ASU Students Become Winners of an International Translation Competition

The results of an annual competition arranged by Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy have been announced. Students of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University proved their high qualification.

ASU Students Get Top Places in NOPRIZ International Professional Competition

ASU Students Get Top Places in NOPRIZ International Professional Competition

During the June meeting of Academic Council of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, the university students were awarded diplomas of II and III degrees for participation in the section The Best Design for Residential and Public Facilities. The Competition was organized by National Designers and Surveyors Association.

Students from Kazakhstan Complete Practical Training at ASU

Students from Kazakhstan Complete Practical Training at ASU

The network cooperation has been arranged at Astrakhan Tatishchev State University within the frameworks of Shanghai Cooperation Organization University. Since 2010, Astrakhan Tatishchev State University has been one of the basic Russian universities-members of SCO University.

ASU Professor Goes on an Expedition Flora and Vegetation of the Caspian Macro Region

ASU Professor Goes on an Expedition Flora and Vegetation of the Caspian Macro Region

Paleontologists, botanists, ecologists, and other specialists from five Caspian Region states participated in an international expedition.

ASU Associate Professor Attends the Meeting of the Geographical Society of China

ASU Associate Professor Attends the Meeting of the Geographical Society of China

Eight young researchers participated in a scientific and educational program of the Russian Geographical Society. The Head of Itil Youth Club of the Russian Geographical Society Viktor Zanozin joined the delegation as the representative of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University.

Konstantin Markelov Takes Part in Discussing Current Issues of Education and Youth Policy

Konstantin Markelov Takes Part in Discussing Current Issues of Education and Youth Policy

Boris Chernyshov, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly, invited Rector of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University to participate in the meeting of the Expert Council on Education and Youth Policy.

ASU Researcher Heads the Grant Project of the Russian Geographical Society

ASU Researcher Heads the Grant Project of the Russian Geographical Society

The Russian Geographical Society announced the winners of 2023 grant contest.

ASU prepares a programme for students for Youth Day

ASU prepares a programme for students for Youth Day

One of the main features of the holiday will be a concert programme called "GIVE FIVE!", which was developed by the Centre for Creative Industries together with talented student activists. Five modern hits and five iconic rousing songs of the past decades will dilute the hot atmosphere of the evening and create a unique mood.

ASU Representative Participates in an International Forum

ASU Representative Participates in an International Forum

Mingachevir (the Republic of Azerbaijan) hosted the 3rd Forum of Youth Initiatives devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Azerbaijani political leader Heydar Aliyev.

ASU Students and Teachers Participate in International Conference of MSU Faculty of World Politics

ASU Students and Teachers Participate in International Conference of MSU Faculty of World Politics

ASU joined online conference Traditional Values and Media in a Multipolar World. World Politics Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (the RF) and Mohammed Bin Zayed University for Humanities (UAE) arranged the Conference.

ASU Students Defend Interdisciplinary Projects in English

ASU Students Defend Interdisciplinary Projects in English

Students and teachers of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University had a meeting in Boiling Point Center within the frameworks of a pilot project on individual educational trajectories implementation into educational process and development bachelor students’ skills.

Astrakhan Students and Schoolchildren Contest the Title of the Smartest Person

Astrakhan Students and Schoolchildren Contest the Title of the Smartest Person

Astrakhan Tatishchev State University has hosted the regional stage of the Intellectual Tournament Knowledge League: Schools and Colleges that is the major intellectual contest in Russia. The project is organized by the Russian Society Znanie and the Movement of the First supported by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

ASU Discusses Transformation of Its Scientific and Educational Structure

ASU Discusses Transformation of Its Scientific and Educational Structure

ASU Academic Council has decided to establish four institutes: the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences, the Institute of Law, Economics and Education, the Caspian Institute of Humanities and the Institute of Information and Engineering Technologies, Physics and Mathematics.

Anicet Gabriel Kotchofa: «Young People Live in Interesting Times When Everything Is Changing Fast»

Anicet Gabriel Kotchofa: «Young People Live in Interesting Times When Everything Is Changing Fast»

High Commissioner for International Relations of the Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization, who had spoken at one of the sessions of the Forum Caspian Region 2023, shared his opinion on the youth opportunities and prospects.

ASU Researchers Develop an Innovative System for Water Resources Monitoring

ASU Researchers Develop an Innovative System for Water Resources Monitoring

The team of the strategic project Development of Marine Robotic Technologies in the Caspian Region (Marine Robot) will participate in educational project program Big Challenges in the section Exploring the Arctic region and the World Ocean.

The Forum Caspian Region 2023: ASU Rector Meets with the Delegation from the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Forum Caspian Region 2023: ASU Rector Meets with the Delegation from the Islamic Republic of Iran

Rector of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Konstantin Markelov discussed partnership enhancement and potential cooperation areas of mutual interest with the colleagues from the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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