ASU Researcher Heads the Grant Project of the Russian Geographical Society

ASU Researcher Heads the Grant Project of the Russian Geographical Society

The Russian Geographical Society announced the winners of 2023 grant contest.

The grants support the projects initiated by the Society President, members of the Board of Trustees and the Governing Council, and the Society Commissions. The Society regional branches presented 10 projects and 24 initiatives.

ASU project of an ornithological science camp Swan and Sea Eagle is one of the winning projects.

Regional experts preliminarily reviewed the projects.

Under the guidance of Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization CENTR SODEJSTVIYA EKSPEDICIONNOJ DEYATELNOSTI (CENTER FOR EXPEDITIONARY ACTIVITY SUPPORT) Viktor Zanozin, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Itil Youth Club of the Russian Geographical Society at Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, will head the work of the first Russian ornithological science camp for young people.

Faculty of Geology and Geography