On the basis of ASU started a series of advanced training courses

On the basis of ASU started a series of advanced training courses

The first of them was "Prevention of terrorism". A total of six directions will be implemented in the period from October to December.

On the basis of ASU started a series of advanced training courses
More than three hundred specialists from federal, territorial state and municipal authorities, as well as employees of other structures, carrying out powers on patriotic education of youth, prevention of terrorism and extremism ideology in this environment, will be trained.

The head of the coordination centre Sergey Karmazin made a welcoming speech, telling about the aspects of the structure's activity. He expressed hope for further cooperation and feedback on the quality of the centre's functioning.

Sergey Podosinnikov, the chief specialist responsible for the organisation of the centre's activities, gave more details about the advanced training courses. He also answered all the questions of the listeners.

In continuation of the class, Zalina Chelyabova, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Law Enforcement, gave a lecture on "Terrorism: concept, essence, modern trends. Factors influencing the spread of terrorism in the Russian Federation".

The next lecture in the curriculum is "The Internet in countering terrorist threats".

Coordination Centre