ASU Associate Professor Attends the Meeting of the Geographical Society of China

ASU Associate Professor Attends the Meeting of the Geographical Society of China

Eight young researchers participated in a scientific and educational program of the Russian Geographical Society. The Head of Itil Youth Club of the Russian Geographical Society Viktor Zanozin joined the delegation as the representative of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University.

Three cities hosted the meeting events: Shenzhen, Shaoguan, and Guangzhou.

Business program comprised participation in the meeting of the Geographical Society of China, presentation of Russian and Chinese experts’ reports, visits to local universities, meetings with professors. The project participants visited South China Normal University (SCNU, Guangzhou), Sun Yat-sen University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and Peking University Shenzhen Business School.

After completing scientific and education program, ASU representative and Chinese partners agreed upon joint research in landscape.

Faculty of Geology and Geography