ASU Scientists Develop Promising Pepper Varieties

ASU Scientists Develop Promising Pepper Varieties

Researchers of the Food Security and Agrotechnology Laboratory of Astrakhan State University have tested 74 collection samples over 2020-2023. The main task is to identify the most promising varieties for the conditions of Russia’s Lower Volga region.

The work is carried out within the framework of the Priority 2030 program of the Integration federal project (Development of Integration Processes in Science, Higher Education and Industry) of the Science and Universities national project, implemented by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Russia. Special attention was paid to the study of fruit weight, wall thickness, and coloring. 29 selection lines proved to be the best in a number of traits. Seeds of individual selections of sweet pepper were also obtained.

«In recent years, it’s foreign hybrids that are mainly grown in the fields, but they are not always adapted to the climatic conditions of the region. Vegetable growing industry urgently needs pepper varieties and hybrids adapted for cultivation in different regions of Russia for different categories of producers, as well as for the purpose of using products with high quality fruits,» said Natalia Shcherbakova, a junior researcher of the Food Security and Agrotechnology Laboratory of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University.

The most promising lines of sweet pepper are of interest for further selection work and can be used as genetic sources in the creation of new varieties with the most valuable traits: early maturity, large fruitfulness, bright color, attractive shape, yield. Today, ASU scientists continue to identify and use promising lines of sweet pepper in selection within the framework of the Priority 2030 program.

Thus, sample 48P is distinguished by sweet pepper taste and bright aroma. One fruit weighs 124 grams, its wall is 9 mm thick, which characterizes it as a large and thick-walled fruit. It’s good both for consuming fresh and for preparing paprika. The peculiarity of sample 10P is simultaneous ripening of fruits, which is very important for farmers at harvesting.

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