Anicet Gabriel Kotchofa: «Young People Live in Interesting Times When Everything Is Changing Fast»

Anicet Gabriel Kotchofa: «Young People Live in Interesting Times When Everything Is Changing Fast»

High Commissioner for International Relations of the Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization, who had spoken at one of the sessions of the Forum Caspian Region 2023, shared his opinion on the youth opportunities and prospects.

According to the speaker, the Forum was an event of high interest because it addressed particular issues, set specific objectives and challenges for the future.

When discussing international youth initiatives, the speaker noted that young people lived in interesting times when everything was changing fast. The speaker also pointed out that young people of today were creative, smart, and talented, and adults should help them.

Speaking about students’ and graduates’ employment, High Commissioner emphasized that it was important for universities to train not a specialist but a person able to learn and adjust in a changing world, and for employers — to support young people from the first year of studies so that they could realize their potential and succeed in studying.