Chair of Economics of Enterprises and Businesses

Chair of Enterprise Economy
ASUs Chair of Enterprise Economy was set up in April 2007 to meet the growing need for enhancing the level of students’ practical knowledge in Economics. The students had to be taught how to tackle real relevant problems of local business organizations, as it is of top priority for our faculty staff to concentrate on practical problems of our region.
First of all, we provide general economical training for students of both economical and non-economical specialties; we train them to work under real practical conditions. We use up-to-date teaching techniques to give them knowledge and skills in such disciplines as Enterprise Economy, Marketing, and Entrepreneurial Activities. Besides, our Chair is the profile chair for Specialty #062100 “Human Relations Management” that has a specialization “HRM in Social & Economic Areas”. This specialty is to train HRM specialists able to tackle present-day acute problems of business companies – business globalization, rapid advance of business into the Internet, new forms of competition, and the increased role played by the human factor.
Our Chair is headed by Prof. Raisa Akmaeva, D.Sc. in Economics, Corresponding Member of International Academy of Management (IAM). Prof. Akmaeva has been teaching and researching in the field of efficient management at industrial enterprises for more than 30 years; she has published more than 130 research papers, among them 6 textbooks and 11 monographs. She actively cooperates with regional companies to help them introduce modern tools of strategic and financial management: budgeting, systems of balanced rates, the process-oriented approach, result-oriented budgeting, quality management system, etc. Prof. Akmaeva gives lectures in Enterprise Economy and in Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Activities. In November 2007, Prof. Raisa Akmaeva became a D.Sc. in Economy after defending her thesis whose theme was “Development of Efficient Management at Russias Industrial Enterprises”.
Another key person of our Chair is Dr. Svetlana Sliva, Associate Professor, PhD in Economy. Dr. Sliva is currently writing a D.Sc. thesis whose theme is “Transformational State of Social-Economic System”. Dr. Sliva gives lectures and organizes practical workshops in Organization & Planning of Production, Organization of Private Business, etc.
Teaching Marketing is of great importance for our Chair. It is taught by such highly-qualified specialists as Dr. Anna Pakhomova and Junior Professor Marina Schegoleva who is currently writing her PhD thesis.
Our Chair also involves young Bachelors into teaching students, and such Bachelors take part in research activities jointly with their older colleagues. The average age of our staff is 33.
The scientific researches performed by our staff and by our students are of both fundamental and practical character; they help our region tackle its most acute economic and social problems. Our students may combine their studies with their work already since the 2nd year of their education. After graduating, they become proficient specialists able to help a business company become more competitive and successful. Our graduates are of high demand, as the rapid development of local ship-building and oil-and-gas industries, of local hotel and tourist services, and expansion of well-known retail chains and refining companies into Astrakhan Region cause employers acute need for highly-skilled specialists.

Последнее редактирование: 01-04-2010