Professional development programme "Methods of preparation for Olympiads in literature"

Professional development programme

The course from V. N. Tatishchev Astrakhan State University will help teachers of literature to successfully prepare students of 9-11 grades to participate in the Olympiads in literature of different levels.

Professional Development Programme "Methods of Preparation for Literature Olympiads"
During the training the students will get acquainted with the systematic approach to preparing students for the All-Russian Olympiad in Literature and will get an idea of the types of Olympiad tasks and the principles of their fulfilment.

The training will also allow:

  • expand, deepen and consolidate knowledge of the history and theory of literature;
  • master the methods of research activity;
  • form creative thinking;
  • improve language and speech culture;
  • develop the ability to solve non-standard philological problems.

Teachers can use the course programme to conduct thematic subject weeks on literature, organise school Olympiads, competitions and quizzes.
The start of the implementation of training - May 2023 (term of mastering -72 hours). Cost - 2000 rubles. Form of training: full-time, with the use of e-learning and distance learning technologies.
According to the results of training the certificate of the established sample of FSBEI HE VN Tatishchev Astrakhan State University is issued.
If you have any questions, please call +7-988-592-50-08 (Romanovskaya Olga Evgenievna) and e-mail The list of all programmes is available on the portal of additional education.

Department of Additional Education and Vocational Training