Astrakhan University Publishing House Issues Fire Safety Monograph

Astrakhan University Publishing House Issues Fire Safety Monograph

Educational institutions of our country have not paid due attention to fire safety regulations for a long time — schoolchildren and teachers have not done respective training courses on a regular basis, possible scenarios of schoolchildren’s behavior in case of fire have not been elaborated too.

This resulted in violation of the fire safety rules and, consequently, in real fires. Teaching fare safety to the whole population, in particular children and students, is one of the major tasks for the State this days. People must know how to behave in the event of fire from the very childhood.

New monograph «System for Ensuring Fire Safety in Educational Institution and Active Ways to Form Respective Knowledge in Schoolchildren», written by Tatiana Dymova, contains information on the main characteristics of fire, general requirements and regulatory framework for ensuring fire safety in an educational institution, fire-alarm and firefighting indoor appliances.

The author of the publication focuses on prevention and rational actions in case of fire in an educational institution, as well as to the system of ensuring fire safety there and active ways to form respective knowledge in schoolchildren.

Astrakhan University Publishing House