ASU Znamensk Branch Awards Talented Schoolchildren

ASU Znamensk Branch Awards Talented Schoolchildren

The winners of the online contests for children, held last December — contest “Reading Yesenin”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the poet, and “First Steps in Science” (within the framework of the Children’s Academy project) — were invited to the awarding ceremony.

The competition was organized by teachers of the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology & Humanities Irina Kaperskaya and Olga Podosinnikova. The organizers received more than 100 applications for participation in the artistic events from schoolchildren and kindergarten kids.

Deputy Director of the ASU Branch in Znamensk Roman Kozyrkov and senior teacher Irina Kaperskaya congratulated the children. They commended the merits of both the schoolchildren and their teachers and parents.

ASU Znamensk Branch