Astrakhan Region Is Getting Ready to Host Caspian Region 2021 International Forum

Astrakhan Region Is Getting Ready to Host Caspian Region 2021 International Forum

40 experts have already given their consent to participate in the event which is going to be held in late May. The forum is supposed to be held both offline and online.

At today’s meeting of the organizing committee for preparing and holding forum “Caspian Region 2021: Sustainable Development Trajectories», Governor Igor Babushkin noted:

“In Russia, the year of 2021 has been declared by the President as the Year of Science and Technology. It is very important not only to develop these areas, but also to do everything possible to put scientific achievements in practice. Astrakhan region has a special role in this process. Now the Caspian region receives increasing attention, our neighbors and we are interested in safe and peaceful cooperation. The forum is an example of such cooperation. Astrakhan residents are open to dialogue. Representatives of higher education, scientific community, government agencies and businesses will gather here. The forum promises to become an interesting discussion platform.”

The concept of the event was presented by Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov. He said that the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy of Sciences and autonomous non-profit organization “Russia — Country of Opportunities” would act as co-organizers and partners of the event.

The forum will last for three days, from 26 to 28 May. The events will be held both online and offline. The main events will take place at the university facilities. Astrakhan students will become direct participants of round tables and discussions.

According to Konstantin Markelov, about 40 experts have already given their consent to take part in the forum. More than 100 guests are expected to arrive in Astrakhan.

The prospective topic of the forum is “New Challenges. Technologies That Are Changing the World”. More than 20 events are going to be held these three days.

The Governor also recommended that the organizers of the forum closely monitor the epidemiological situation and make timely decisions on the format of the events.

Source: materials of the Press Service and Information Directorate of the Administration of the Governor of Astrakhan Region