Interuniversity Centre of Biomedical Sciences Innovations Will Appear In Astrakhan

Interuniversity Centre of Biomedical Sciences Innovations Will Appear In Astrakhan

The ASU initiative was supported at a meeting of the Council of Rectors of Astrakhan Universities. Olga Vorontsova, Head of the Innovative Technological Centre to Create Multimedia Content of Astrakhan State University, presented the results of project “Experience in Studying Musculoskeletal System of ASU Students”.

Astrakhan State University carries out biomechanics research using a 3D image capture system. It allows to solve various tasks, from diagnostics and assessment to rehabilitation process planning, including training simulators and a VR environment system.

The researcher told about the ASU partners in this area of ​​work. ASU has been cooperating with Astrakhan State Medical University for many years. It would be impossible to address a large number of tasks without a medical component of the research.

It was proposed to transmit the experience, gained by ASU in assessing the state of students and staff members’ locomotor system functioning, to other universities of the region, to create focus groups in each educational institution that will be examined. A large number of interdisciplinary projects can be implemented on the basis of the motion capture and analysis system.

Konstantin Markelov supported the initiative to organize a regional centre for innovations in the field of biomedical sciences, which would bring together employees and students of Astrakhan universities, as well as the business community of the region.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations