ASU UNESCO Chair Keeps Working with Astrakhan Associated Schools

ASU UNESCO Chair Keeps Working with Astrakhan Associated Schools

The issue of further partnership of educational institutions of the region was the main topic at a working meeting chaired by First Vice-Rector — Vice-Rector for Strategic Development of Astrakhan State University Elina Polyanskaya.

The meeting was attended by Head of the Department “UNESCO Chair: Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development” Irina Tarasova, Head of the Directorate for Pre-University Training & Students Admission Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Director of the ASU College Svetlana Kunyashova, and representatives of associated schools — Gymnasium No.4, headed by Director Tatyana Lendova, and programme coordinator in Gymnasium No.3 Inna Danilova.

The Associated Schools Project (ASPnet) was initiated by UNESCO in 1953 and today remains one of the most successful and long-lasting. Associated schools set themselves the task of teaching young people in the tradition of tolerance and intercultural dialogue — learning to know, learning to do, learning to be and learning to live together.

The colleagues expressed their wish for the joint implementation of social and cultural events and festivals held at ASU. In addition, the participants discussed the possibility of participating in summer educational schools, competitions and online broadcasts of lectures, delivered by the teaching staff of the university.

This October, it is planned to hold an extended event that will involve everyone who wants to strengthen interaction within the framework of the programme, taking into account the experience of associated schools, UNESCO Chairs and the work carried out in this area at ASU.

Department UNESCO Chair: Learning Society and Human Sustainable Development