ASU Journalism Students Won Social Video Competition

ASU Journalism Students Won Social Video Competition

Representatives of the first and second study years of the Faculty of Philology & Journalism of Astrakhan State University took part in the Your View competition of anti-extremist and anti-terrorist videos, organized by the Youth Agency of Astrakhan Region.

The third place was taken by 2nd-year students Yulia Firsova and Daria Gashimova. The girls presented the video Don’t Shoot! for the competition, where their recalled the painful events in Kazan with adults and children killed in the shooting at school. The video is about the immense grief of those who lost their loved ones, against the background of middle-brow conversations about sympathy for the “hero”.

First-year students Aleksandr Tsimanovich, Viktoria Akimova and Veronika Stepanova were recognized as winners of the competition. Their video camera closely followed a large bag in the hands of a classmate. Excitement, doubts and fear of those around him accompanied all the actions of the protagonist. However, the denouement that followed the culmination of the action — the opening of the bag — showed the romantic mood of the young man, who prepared a bouquet of flowers for his classmates. The unexpected ending led to advice on being vigilant and keeping an eye even for romantics. The video turned out to be kind and humorous, but at the same time, it preserved the complexity of the stated topic.

Faculty of Philology & Journalism