Aleksey Titov: ‘Cooperation between Universities Allows to Form a Southern Hub in Robotics’

Aleksey Titov: ‘Cooperation between Universities Allows to Form a Southern Hub in Robotics’

The vice-rector for Digitalization, Innovations and Priority Projects of Astrakhan State University took part in a roundtable “Mechanisms to Design Advanced Engineering Schools” as part of the 17th all-Russian scientific and applied conference “Promising Systems and Management Tasks”.

The large-scale event brought together the leading industrial enterprises of Russia focused on the manufacturing of high-tech robotic products for civil, military, special and double purposes. The event also involved participants from the largest research institutes.

The round table “Mechanisms to Design Advanced Engineering Schools” took place on the first day of the conference; its participants discussed the mechanisms to design an advanced engineering school at the Southern Federal University in such areas as robotics, control and communication systems.

In 2021, three universities — Astrakhan State University, Southern Federal University and Sevastopol State University — signed agreements on cooperation in the field of marine robotics on the sidelines of the VUZPROMEXPO forum. So, the current interaction between SFU and ASU is their logical continuation