ASU Discusses Evolution of AI Technologies

ASU Discusses Evolution of AI Technologies

ITMO University Professor Aleksandr Bukhanovsky has held a lecture at Astrakhan State University as part of the all-Russia research and practice conference “Prospects and Opportunities for Using Digital Technologies in Science, Education and Management”.

The Doctor of Sciences in Engineering and director of the National Center for Cognitive Research of the National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (St. Petersburg) discussed the topic “Promising AI technologies: how to develop them in challenging times and are they worth trusting?” with his colleagues and also announced the topics of a unique Master programme “Design and Development of Artificial Intelligence Systems” which has been jointly implemented by ITMO University and Astrakhan State University since 2022.

Aleksandr Bukhanovsky described how artificial intelligence can generate its own intellectual results and sometimes even explain how it got them and why it considers them correct.

Participants considered examples of technologies related to automatic machine learning, generative design and AI automatic fact verification, as well as the pros and cons of their use in various fields of human activity — industry, construction and architecture, healthcare and the financial sector.

Faculty of Digital Technologies and Cybersecurity