ASU Outlines Prospects for Academic Cooperation with Russian-Chinese University

ASU Outlines Prospects for Academic Cooperation with Russian-Chinese University

Representatives of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University had an online discussion on the ways of cooperation with colleagues from Shenzhen MSU-BIT University.

The meeting was attended by Andrey Kitashov, Dean of the Faculty of Biology of Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, and Kristina Zhukova, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Biology of the university. Astrakhan State University was represented by Vice Rector for International Affairs Angelina Fadina, Head of the International Cooperation and Recruitment Department Sabina Velikaya, Dean of the Faculty of Biology Elena Kondratenko and Leading Researcher of the Research and Testing Laboratory for Ichthyopathological Studies and Complex Approbation of Drugs Anna Konkova.

The parties discussed a number of important issues on the development of cooperation, contributing to the establishment of long-term and constructive relations in education in the following areas:

  • joint research, including within the framework of grant activities;
  • development of joint educational programmes;
  • writing of articles and their publication;
  • development of networking cooperation;
  • shared use of innovative equipment.

The potential partners agreed to consider the possibility of concluding framework and specialized agreements to organize fruitful joint work.

Directorate of International Activities