ASU Runs ROBO-LETO Summer Camp

ASU Runs ROBO-LETO Summer Camp

The Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies implements an additional general programme for Astrakhan schoolchildren aged 9–13 years at the Center for the Development of Modern Competences of Schoolchildren of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University.

The programme of the children’s summer camp provides an intensive course in the basics of algorithmization and programming using the Lego Mindstorm Ev3 robotic kit along with visits to the swimming pool. In addition, the children visit the Smart Aquarium center of the Research and Testing Laboratory for Ichthyopathological Studies and Complex Approbation of Drugs.

Doing the course, schoolchildren find the answers to their questions — what a constructor is, how the most primitive robots are assembled, how programmes are written. They explored the labyrinth with the help of a robot, studied the operation of electronic components (sensors); the final part of the programme was a kegelring competition. The robot had to push all the pins out of the circle, while remaining within its limits. The winner was the one whose robot knocked out the maximum number of pins and spent less time on this task.

The organizers of the camp invited parents to the final lesson in kegelring to assess the children’s abilities. The latter successfully coped with the task; they really enjoyed designing and programming robots, and they would like to continue their studies in autumn.

Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Engineering Technology