Delegation of the Association of Exporters and Importers Visits ASU

Delegation of the Association of Exporters and Importers Visits ASU

The guests met with the rector of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, went on a tour of the university’s laboratories and discussed areas of potential cooperation between the university and the organization.

Telling the delegation members about the history and present of the university, Konstantin Markelov mentioned such advantages of the higher educational institution as a large number of training areas and majors, high-quality HR training programmes, cooperation with status partners and participation in the Priority 2030 programme.

Vice-president of the organization Pavel Dolgov invited Astrakhan State University to take part in the upcoming forum International Import and Export Day, organized by the association.

Then the guests had the opportunity to get acquainted with the scientific and educational potential of the university by visiting the laboratories of robotics, materials science and technical control, the educational laboratory for modeling and situational analysis of logistics processes and the Smart Logistics scientific and educational laboratory.

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