Astrakhan State University Reboots the System of Extended Professional Education

Astrakhan State University Reboots the System of Extended Professional Education

Astrakhan Tatishchev State University has opened a strategic session for professors and employees of the university that implement extended education programs. The event "Extended Professional Education: Total Reboot”, the program of which includes various lectures, workshops and master classes, will be held for two days.

Rector of Astrakhan State University Konstantin Markelov delivered a welcoming speech at the opening of the strategic session:

“Today, the system of extended professional education of ASU is aimed at the regional market, but there is also a desire to be present in both the Russian and international markets of educational training and retraining of personnel. The experience that the specialists present here have is very important and necessary for our university. As part of this strategic session, our university will be able to assemble a team of changes, which, based on the experience and attitudes gained, will rebuild the system of extended professional education.”

An open conversation took place between the audience and experts about the cooperation of the extended professional education with industry and the real economy. Vladimir Tikhonov, Head the educational project University of the National Technology Initiative 2035, discussed this topic with the participants: he mentioned the success of the Caspian innovations project, which was launched at Astrakhan State University, and explained the main components of preparing a program of extended professional education in the digital environment.

Recall that the strategic session on extended professional education lasts two days. Today, the participants have attended lectures on the specifics of state support in further education and the nuances of working with individual and corporate customers, and tomorrow the professors and staff will attend workshops and master classes on promoting educational products, communicating with investors and preparing business plans.

Directorate of Information Policy and Public Relations