Astrakhan Branch of Association of International Students Sums Up the Results of 2022 at ASU

Astrakhan Branch of Association of International Students Sums Up the Results of 2022 at ASU

Representatives of the communities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and also foreign students from the Republic of Haiti, the Republic of Ecuador, Indonesia and other countries participated in the event.

Vice Rector for International Activities Angelina Fadina gave a welcoming speech:

“It is very honourable and significant that we have you. You create a new surge, give a fresh insight at everything that happens at our university. Many of you even receive state-level awards, which we are very proud of.”

Ekaterina Shatohina, the head of the Directorate of International Activities, and Lyubov Ryzhkova, the head of the Foreign Students Relations Unit, attended the event as well and sent their greetings too. They highlighted that the Astrakhan Branch of Association of International Students, which exists on the basis of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University, became a students’ home filled with an atmosphere of comfort, friendship and warmth. For example, thanks to the support of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia and AIS, the Festival of the Peoples of the World was held at ASU, which united more than 100 representatives of universities of Astrakhan Region.

At the end of the event, an award ceremony for the activists’ input in the activity of the Astrakhan Branch of Association of International Students was held.

Directorate of International Activities