Astrakhan Tatishchev State University and Vladimir Dal Lugansk State University: Cooperation and Prospects

Astrakhan Tatishchev State University and Vladimir Dal Lugansk State University: Cooperation and Prospects

Viktor Ryabichev, the Deputy Chairman of the LPR Public Chamber and Rector of Vladimir Dal Lugansk State University, has met with vice rectors, deans and heads of departments of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University.

Universities actively interact in different areas. In the field of science, this is organization and holding of joint scientific events, publication in scientific magazines, exchange of scientific literature, professional retraining, and organization of thesis councils. For example, earlier Lugansk State University received about 500 copies of various books and an access to the electronic library. Representatives of the universities actively participate in scientific conferences. New projects and student events are in the plans.

The delegation of the Astrakhan university has already visited Lugansk; then the decision to open the ASU representative office was made.

The issues of further cooperation were discussed at a meeting with Rector of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Konstantin Markelov, vice rectors, deans and heads of departments. The results of joint activities of the two educational institutions were announced at the meeting, and new ways of cooperation were proposed.

During his visit to Astrakhan, Viktor Ryabichev and Konstantin Markelov also met with the Vice Governor — the Chairman of Astrakhan Region Government Pavel Pautov, and the Minister of Education and Science of Astrakhan Region Egor Ugarov. They discussed the prospects for cooperation between the regions and educational projects.

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