3rd International Scientific Forum Caspian Region 2023: Sustainable Development Trajectories To Be Held in Astrakhan

3rd International Scientific Forum Caspian Region 2023: Sustainable Development Trajectories To Be Held in Astrakhan

Major scientific event will be held on May 29-31 within the Caspian Scientific and Educational Congress. Astrakhan Tatishchev State University will be the main venue for the Forum.

The Forum will become an important platform to discuss strengthening Russia’s position in the Caspian region, developing the Caspian region states cooperation in the fields of science, technology, education and culture.

Rectors of top Russian universities, representatives of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academies of Sciences of the Caspian region states, regional and federal state authorities, public youth organizations and ethnocultural communities of the Caspian region and the CIS states, businesspersons, employers, students from higher and secondary vocational educational institutions will attend the event.

According to ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov, enhancing scientific, educational, economic and humanitarian cooperation between the Caspian region states will help to improve the region sustainability at global and local levels.

Office of Information Policy and Public Relations