Konstantin Markelov Speaks at the 14th International Economic Forum Russia — Islamic World: Kazanforum 2023

Konstantin Markelov Speaks at the 14th International Economic Forum Russia — Islamic World: Kazanforum 2023

Rector of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Konstantin Markelov told about the work of Transport & Logistics Consortium of Caspian Higher Educational Institutions and Digital Platform of North-South Transport Corridor.

The Forum Russia — Islamic World: Kazanforum 2023 has started today in the Republic of Tatarstan. The Forum is the main place for economic interaction between the Russian Federation and Islamic countries. About 80 countries have joined the event.

The Astrakhan Region Governor Igor Babushkin spoke at the Forum. The Governor told about the International North-South Transport Corridor.

Rector of Astrakhan Tatishchev State University Konstantin Markelov provided more details on the issue. The Rector reminded that the digital platform for INSTC had been developed at Astrakhan Tatishchev State University with participation of the Consortium members under the joint strategic project Technocaspiy of Priority 2030 program. The project is designed for increasing Russia’s transit potential, developing and improving competitive logistic systems and technologies, establishing digital and virtual seaports on the basis of development and implementation of crosscutting digital technologies within INSTC logistic processes.

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