The Forum Caspian Region 2023: the 2nd Caspian Festival-Contest of Startup Projects. Interactive online RSL platform SignLingua

The Forum Caspian Region 2023: the 2nd Caspian Festival-Contest of Startup Projects. Interactive online RSL platform SignLingua

The 2nd Caspian Festival-Contest of Startup Projects has started today in Local History Museum. The Festival is aimed to integrate active and ambitious young people from the Caspian Region states capable of producing new breakthrough ideas in the fields of technological and social entrepreneurship.

The Organizing Committee has received more than 300 applications for participation from Russian regions and the Caspian Region states.

The idea to develop an online platform SignLingua has been presented at the Festival. The platform is designed to help deaf and hard of hearing people to gain the relevant knowledge, to take educational courses and to improve their qualification. The platform also offers the courses to learn Russian Sign Language.

The project implementation will help deaf and hard of hearing people to communicate more freely with hearing people.