Caspian Region 2023: Sustainable Development Trajectories — the Results

Caspian Region 2023: Sustainable Development Trajectories — the Results

The eventful International Forum has finished. Lots of photos and video have been made, live stream arranged in VK Social Network has already gained more than 10 thousand viewers.

ASU Vice Rector for Research Activities Lyudmila Baeva and Vice Rector for Digitalization, Innovation and Priority Projects Aleksei Titov announced the Forum Resolution draft.

More than 30 events were held within the Forum: panel discussions, the National Conference with International Participation, the meeting of the Commission for Science, Research And Technology, the meeting of the Council of Rectors of Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts, the 3rd Guzhvin Readings Conference. More than 10 various agreements of different levels have been signed to establish and enhance professional cooperation.

Being a part of the International North South Transport Corridor, the Caspian Region has become the most important platform for international cooperation between Russia and Asia in new realities. The Caspian Region states: the Russian Federation, the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan — are interested in establishing an area of stable, safe and peaceful cooperation.