ASU USC became the best among student self-government organisations in the region

ASU USC became the best among student self-government organisations in the region

This was announced at the gala concert of the annual International Youth Festival "Caspian Prize - 2024" in the Astrakhan State Philharmonic Society.

ASU USC became the best among student self-government organisations in the region
This year's award was attended by talented young people from the Caspian states and various regions of Russia. Thus, nominees from Dagestan, Tatarstan, Karachay-Cherkessia, Ingushetia, as well as Moscow, Rostov and other cities are traditionally presented. For the first time, representatives from, for example, North Ossetia, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir regions are participating in the event.

"Caspian Prize" unites gifted youth in the field of vocal, dance, instrumental, art, design, social projects, business.

Almost 700 applications were received for participation in the youth festival. As a result of strict selection, about 150 applicants for the title of the best were determined.

The winners in 29 nominations were determined by online voting. In the nomination "Student self-government among the universities of Astrakhan city" the best student association was recognised as the united council of students of the Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev.

We congratulate our talented students-activists with deserved achievements! We wish them new bright victories, confident movement towards their goals and incredible success on the way to their dreams!

Information Policy and Public Relations Department


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