At AGU, Unleash Your Feminine Fascination: The Marvel Forum

At AGU, Unleash Your Feminine Fascination: The Marvel Forum

AGU's "Equilibrium" Psychological Service beckons Astrakhan's students to sway into the whirlwind event, "Feminine Fascination."

Enter the Realm of Empowerment at AGU's Marvel Forum

Prepare for a melange of exhilarating experiences at the female-centric forum. Brace yourself for enchanting workshops, mesmerizing masterclasses, and mind-boggling psychological games, all designed to enthrall those ready for:

  • Unleashing the Complex-free Woman within workshop
  • The dynamic masterclass on "Friendship, Love, Conflicts: The Interplay of Men and Women"
  • A masterclass exploring "Love: Illusion or Reality"
  • Engage in the enthralling psychological game "Unraveling the Layers of the Feminine Self"

Moreover, organizers have concocted a game titled "No Study, Just Marriage!" Only those who apply in time via the provided link will be able to participate. Seats for this game are limited to just 12 individuals.

To seize this unparalleled opportunity to delve deeper into your inner world and partake in psychological expertise, be swift in submitting your online application before March 19.

The forum will unfurl on March 20 at the student initiative hub at 3:00 PM.

For those who wish to remain in the loop, a specially curated Telegram chat awaits.

Psychological Service