2014 Admission Campaign: May

2014 Admission Campaign: May

Dr. Lyudmila Tovarnichenko, Executive Secretary of the Admission Commission of Astrakhan State University, has told us about changes in university admission rules that have happened in May 2014.

“Since May 19, 2014, we began to receive documents to apply for distance education on self-paid terms. The process runs very actively: about 100 people have applied within just 10 days. The most demanded specialties are Law Science, Economics, Pedagogical Education, and Special Speech Pathology Education. Many people call from Crimea and from some Ukrainian regions; they ask how to enter our University.

A few days ago, changes in admission rules concerning residents of Crimea and Sebastopol have been approved. Now we’re preparing additions to our Admission Rules. The number and the list of entrance examinations for such prospective students, as well as the minimal passing scores, can be determined by ASU itself. Those scores can differ from those ones for other prospective students. The corresponding clauses shall be approved by the Admission Commission.

We have already prepared new information about the number of budget-financed places (general competitions, target admissions, admissions within special quotas, and admissions on self-paid terms). The contract and the terms of admitting on self-paid terms shall be published at the Official Web Portal of ASU by June 01 in the section “Admission Campaign”.

Dear prospective students, the web site section “Admission Campaign” is constantly being renewed. Please watch any changes and additions”.

Interviewed by V.A. Zhilyakova (the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)