Academic Tour from Atyrau to Astrakhan

Academic Tour from Atyrau to Astrakhan

Students of master courses of Atyrau State University have been covering a one-week practical training program at Astrakhan State University. Their visit has become a next stage in the development of academic mobility and network interaction between ASU and Kazakhstan’s universities.

Rector of Atyrau State University has sent about 50 students to train at Astrakhan State University; those students specialize in Pedagogics, Psychology, ICT, Economics, and Biology. The goal of their training is to complete their master theses. Astrakhan State University has been cooperating with Kazakhstan’s higher educational institutions for several years already: Kazakhstani students come to Astrakhan regularly; our faculty often goes to the neighboring country to give lectures in various disciplines.

The training program began with a meeting with our top management at the Assembly Hall of our University. The future masters could learn about the main achievements of our University in the field of scientific researches and international relations, as well as about innovative technologies that we apply in our academic activities. Professor Anna Fedotova, our Vice Rector for Research, has told the guests about the main principles of CDIO that are actively being introduced at various Departments of our University. “These are the four letters that make up the very essence of our activities for the last three years”, she said. “This American know-how combined with Europe’s experience was successfully transplanted to our University: at first, we used these principles to teach engineering specialties; then we proceeded to apply them in the field of humanities”. The Vice Rector has said she hopes that educational techniques our University applies will be of high demand among our Kazakhstani guests; she has wished them good luck in mastering their specialties.

Dr. Inna Akhunzhanova, Director of ASU’s Institute of Strategy & Competitiveness, has told the guests about realization of joint master programs by Clark University and by Astrakhan State University. Bilingual education, active involvement of US professors in the educational process, and an opportunity to cover the last term right in the USA - these are just a few advantages of the joint master courses.

Faculty staff from four ASU’s Departments (the Department of Pedagogics, Social Work, and Physical Training; the Department of World Economy & Management; the Department of Mathematics & Information Science; the Biological Department) is working now with the trainees from Kazakhstan. After getting the themes of future master theses, the four Deans have appointed research supervisors for the trainees to consult them and share professional experience, especially in the field of project-oriented activities.

“First of all, such visits confirm the status of our University as a top educational, research, and innovative center of the Caspian Region”, Dr. Lyudmila Yakovleva, Chief of the Unit of Master Programs and the general supervisor of the trainees, says. “This is another proof of the fact that neighboring countries know and highly assess the professional level of our faculty staff. We used to have a proverb during the Soviet times: “After you got a higher education, forget all what you learnt”. Now that’s unacceptable, as the labor market is very demanding towards university graduates; they must have a solid load of knowledge and (first of all) practical skills when they finish their studies. The client-oriented approach is applied at ASU actively; it attracts more and more new partners to work together with us”.
Russian original information source: T.Yu. Gavrilkina (the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU)
Russian original photo source: the TV Media Center of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)