First Time … at First Year!

First Time … at First Year!

Our newly-admitted students who left high schools just three months ago are comparing their new impressions of the university life with their high school backgrounds. These are the most remarkable answers of our youngest students to the question “How could you evaluate the first month of your university studies?”

“Four weeks? I thought four months passed away!”

“I made new friends. Thanks, University!”

“I liked a professor who is so creative and smart”

“It’s so cool that we don’t have to wear a uniform here, as we used to at school!”

“I like when a student studies what he or she chose themselves, but not what they are forced to learn”

“I can’t say anything for sure yet. But I have more spare time now”

“I’m beginning to worry about my first exam session and about my future course paper, but I have more freedom than at school”

“My impressions? I miss my home and family. Waiting for Friday to go to my home village”

“I haven’t shirked any class yet!”

“I’d say we have more positive things here. Students and their professors are very interesting people. Our classes are fast and swift, although they last 1.5 hours each. I like our canteen’s menu, but there’s too little food to meet everyone’s needs. We have a good gym, I’m glad there are discounts for students”

“Some of us still remind their professors about a home assignment, so it seems we’re still at school”

“There are few boys and many girls in our group”

“It’s quite difficult to study, because we get too many home assignments. But generally speaking, I like everything: my group’s excellent, and we have very clever professors”

“We have all the conditions necessary for a good life: tasty meals, a healthy sleep at classes, and a whole load of friends!”

“Well, now I like everything, especially our canteen. Almost all our professors are cool. We are the best group. Sometimes it’s boring at lectures”

“Our meeting with Dean inspired me to accomplish great deeds!”

“We have small breaks; our classes are too long, and the University building is far away. I have to get up at 05.30 a.m. to be in time for the first class”

“All’s really smart and cool”

“Math is the most terrible problem for me”

“My best friend and I entered the same specialty, so we’re happy, and our group is friendly. But the assessment system is complicated”

“All’s impressed me well. Our professors are friendly; our building is comfortable; we have a cool canteen. But we still don’t have a supervisor”

“I like everything! Our buildings are comfortable and quiet; it’s a pleasure to study here. Food is tasty at the canteen, although it’s expensive. Our professors are always ready to help us. It’s interesting to study here”

“I’d like to know where I could enter to specialize in creative work”

“Our time-table’s convenient. I think we have few special disciplines”

“I like everything, expect for a far-away location of our university building! It’s a torture to go so far by the first morning class”

“I like everything. It’s better here than at school. We have no kids running up and down corridors. We’re living an adult life. It’s interesting to study. Our professors are good”

“I have only positive impressions. I made friends with my group quickly – they’re fine guys. Our professors treat their work seriously, and they really strive to understand us”

“We have short breaks, and we have no time to do all what we need”

“We have very interesting lectures, although it’s difficult to get used to classes that last 1.5 hours”

“The rating system of assessment is very convenient. Of course, now we know about that only because we were told about it, but I’m glad anyway. ASU justified my expectations”

“All’s OK, but there are many complex calculations…”

“I’m glad to be admitted on budget-financed terms, so I don’t have to pay for my studies. My specialty is very promising, and I hope to be an excellent specialist”

“Our group’s strongest emotions deal with looking forward to getting our first grants”

“I like it. Yet, I have to revise all what we learnt at school”

“I like it when nobody breathes down your neck”

“I haven’t still taken exams, so it’s difficult for me say something for sure”

Students of the following Departments have taken part in the survey: Physics & Technology; Philology & Journalism; Business & Economy; Psychology; Pedagogics, Social Work, & Physical Training; Architecture & Design; Law; Chemical; Biological.
Russian original information source: the Innovative Laboratory of Information Linguistics of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)