Students of ASU to Cover Training Program in France

Students of ASU to Cover Training Program in France

Maria Shareeva and Alyona Ivleva, students of the Chemical and Biological Departments of Astrakhan State University, have won a French Government Scholarship to cover a language program in Brest.

Thanks to their good grades at ASU and letters of motivation, they could pass a serious competition among over 100 students of Russian universities. Only 25 of them got the French scholarships. This August, Maria and Alyona are covering intensive courses of the French language and learning much about the French culture. For their better adaptation, they are to live with French host families.

Let us congratulate Maria and Alyona on their progress!

Russian original information and photo source: the Chemical Department of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)