MSc Students of ASU Win Gazprom’s Scholarships

MSc Students of ASU Win Gazprom’s Scholarships

Every year Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan LLC (a subsidiary of PAO Gazprom, Russia’s largest gas-recovering company) holds a contest among university students claiming for a scholarship that this company provides. The competent jury analyzes documents indicating the candidates’ research achievements and selects the best of the best. Two students of Astrakhan State University have won Gazprom’s scholarships this year.

The two scholarship winners are Victoria Sitnikova and Ekaterina Messel; they both study the master program “State Audit” at ASU. Over the last three years, they have been participating in various research activities: they took part in scientific contests and competitions; they published their papers in scientific journals, etc. In particular, Ekaterina (in 2014) and Victoria (in 2016) won the presentation competition “Fair of Innovative Ideas & Projects by Young Specialists of Oil-and-Gas Industry”. Ekaterina was the first student to take part in that contest and compete with qualified specialists; she developed the project “Image Enhancement of Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan LLC as a Socially Responsible Company”. As for Victoria, she presented the project “Green Economy Implementation Audit as Means to Enhance Efficiency of Oil-and-Gas Enterprise”. Prof. Oxana Mineva, Dean of Astrakhan State University’s Department of Business & Economy, was the research supervisor of both projects.

A real advantage of winning Gazprom’s scholarships is an opportunity for both Victoria and Ekaterina to be employed at Gazprom Dobycha Astrakhan LLC at once. Let us congratulate them!

Å. Ìåññåëü Â. Ñèòíèêîâà

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Business & Economy of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)