ASU Prolongs Access to World’ Top Journals in Physics

ASU Prolongs Access to World’ Top Journals in Physics

Astrakhan State University has prolonged its access to the world’s top journals that are published by the American Physical Society.

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The American Physical Society is the world’s second largest organization uniting physicists. It was founded in 1899 and publishes a number of scientific journals, including Physical Review Letters (one of the most prestigious scientific editions in the world), as well as the Physical Review. Over 47, 000 people are members of the APS.

Astrakhan State University has prolonged its subscription to the journals thanks to the state subsidy. We have access to the following journals:

  • Reviews of Modern Physics (impact factor 33.177);
  • Physical Review Letters (impact factor 7.645);
  • Physical Review A (impact factor 2.765);
  • Physical Review B (impact factor 3.718);
  • Physical Review C (impact factor 3.146);
  • Physical Review D (impact factor 4.506),
  • Physical Review E (impact factor 2.252), etc.

Besides, ASU has obtained access to the Taylor & Francis journals for 10 years.

Materials published in such journals are crucial to train our students specializing in Physics and covering such specialties as Physics of Condensed State of Substance, Material Science & Technologies of Materials, Electronics & Nanoelectronics, etc. The most modern achievements of science are reflected in those journals in such fields as Atomic Physics, Molecular Physics, Optical Physics, Quantum ICT, Physics of Condensed State, Material Science, Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Gravitation, Cosmology, Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Physics, etc.

All those journals can be accessed from any computer of the local network of Astrakhan State University.

Russian original information and photo source: A.V. Rybakov (the Institute of Researches & Solutions to Technological Tasks of ASU)

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (the Center of Translation Studies & Conference Interpreting “ASTLINK” of ASU)