Anniversary of Presidential Program at ASU

Anniversary of Presidential Program at ASU

On Oct. 12, 2017, the official event in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Presidential Program, which trains qualified managers, took place. Mr. Alexander Zhilkin, Governor of Astrakhan Region, presented the supervisors of this Program in Astrakhan letters of commendation and thanks.

Юбилей Президентской программы

The Governor congratulated the audience on this remarkable anniversary and thanked them for their work.

The official delegation that included Mr. Alexey Bunkin (Director of the Federal Resource Center for Organization of Training of Management Personnel (Presidential Program)), Mr. Hamano Michihiro (Director of Autonomous Non-commercial Organization “Japan Center for the Development of Trade and Economic Relations”), Ms. Nina Efremova (Director of the Stavropol Regional Resource Center), and Mr. Vadim Mankov (Director of the Astrakhan Regional Resource Center) visited the new building of our University and met our administration.

Юбилей Президентской программы

For 10 years, ASU has been the only educational institution in Astrakhan Region to have successfully passed public expertise and confirmed its legal entitlement to deliver the Presidential Program, which implies professional retraining of qualified managers for various enterprises and organizations of Astrakhan Region. For our Region, it is almost 400 managers working in the real sector of economy, education, and healthcare, who have a real knowledge of the present-day competencies of project-related activities and human resources, who know how to make their companies and institutions competitive.

Юбилей Президентской программы

In 2007, the delivery of the Presidential Program at ASU started with the first 18 trainees and just 1 educational program in regional management. Nowadays ASU is entitled to deliver seven educational programs. Among them, there are City Management, Business Development, Management in the Sphere of Innovations, Management in Healthcare, and Management in Education.

Our graduates keep on participating in our educational process as consultants, business coaches, experts, supervisors of final projects; that is why the number of graduates backing our educational process remains one of the key indicators of our successful performance. Now this rate is equal to 40 % of the total number of instructors.

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Efficient delivery of the Presidential Program is also due to professional organizational and methodical support of our educational process by the Federal Resource Center and by the Astrakhan Resource Center to have our trainees trained at Russian and foreign companies. Profound interest of our foreign partners (in particular, the Japan Center for the Development of Trade and Economic Relations) towards the Presidential Program contributes much to sharing experience in business administration and establishing new contacts for regional companies to operate at the international market.

In 2017-2018, supervisors of the Presidential Program at ASU shall be glad to see a new group of trainees at our University; the newly enrolled specialists will surely become a worthy managerial reserve of Astrakhan Region.

Юбилей Президентской программы

Russian original information and photo source: the Institute of Strategy & Competitiveness of ASU; the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)