Surviving at Bronebot Competition

Surviving at Bronebot Competition

Students of Astrakhan State University have taken part in the Bronebot International Competition.

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Bronebot is a new form of engineering intellectual competitions to involve young people in Robotics. The event took place in Moscow and Saint Petersburg; its participants were from Russia, Britain, the USA, and the Netherlands.

Our University was represented by the Caspian Flame team with its BENDER robot developed specially for this event. BENDER has two active tools: electric metal-cutters and a high-speed spiked drum. It has four collector-free motor wheels 350 W each. Its body is made of a metal profile and sheathed with sheet steel.

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All the represented robots weighed up to 100 kg, whereas the refereeing robot weighed a whole ton. The scene fights were spectacular and bright. As the competition organizers say, “There’s just one rule in these fights: victory favors the strongest. Nothing but just hot fury, cold steel, and a lot of blinding sparks”.

The Caspian Flame was the youngest team at the competition; yet, its performance was worthy, as it “survived” in all the fights. Special thanks to Dr. Alexey Rybakov, who helped us much in getting prepared for the event.

Sharing their impressions, our students remark that they really liked Bronebot, whose large scale impressed them. They gained precious experience and made friends with young people from other countries.

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Russian original information source: K.R. Ekshembeeva (the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU)

Russian original photo source: the above-mentioned participants – people of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)