Researchers of ASU Awarded with Diplomas for Environmentally-Friendly R & D

Researchers of ASU Awarded with Diplomas for Environmentally-Friendly R & D

Professors and students of Astrakhan State University have been awarded with diplomas as a result of their participation in the competition for young researchers "Best Development of Environmentally-Friendly Technology for Plant Cultivation".

The event was held by the Ministry of Agriculture & Fishery of Astrakhan Region as part of the Year of Ecology in our country. The following people of ASU have received diplomas granted by the Ministry:

  • Dr. O. Tsymbal, Associate Professor of our Chair of Agricultural Biotechnologies, Engineering, & Agribusiness (Development of Grass Crop Rotation for Ecological Pastures to Breed Rabbits");
  • Mr. A. Shantasov, a future master studying at our Chair of Agricultural Biotechnologies, Engineering, & Agribusiness, a Senior Research Officer of the National Research Institute of Vegetable Farming & Melon Cultivation in Astrakhan (Technology to Cultivate Environmentally-Friendly Produce of New Sorts of Vegetable Crops for Holocarpous Preserving);
  • Ms. M. Belaya, a future master studying at our Chair of Agricultural Biotechnologies, Engineering, & Agribusiness (Amaranth as a Forage).

Представители АГУ награждены дипломами соревнований молодых учёных

The 2nd-degree diploma was granted to Dr. A. Koshkarov, Chief of our Laboratory of Big Data & Digital Technologies (Analysis of Data of Agricultural Fields by Applying a Drone to Determine State of Soil & Vegetation, Identify Problems, Save Resources (Water, Fertilizers), & Forecast Crop Capacity).

The 1st-degree diploma was granted to Mr. A. Sokolov, future master studying at our Chair of Agricultural Biotechnologies, Engineering, & Agribusiness (Efficient Technology to Rehabilitate Meliorated Fallow Lands to Obtain Environmentally-Friendly Vegetable & Melon Produce).

Представители АГУ награждены дипломами соревнований молодых учёных

As a part of this event, an exhibition of R & D by our researchers has been held as well:

  • Biological Analyzer to Detect Metal in Ruminants' Proventriculi (by K. Avdeykin);
  • Mechanized Device to Catch Locust & Obtain Forage from Locust (by A. Likhter and A. Makukhin);
  • Data Mining in Agriculture (by A. Koshkarov);
  • Complex Measuring Platform (by I. Razvin);
  • Forage Granulated Mixture Based on Phragmites Australis for Young Cattle (by S. Davydova, O. Tsymbal, and M. Lozovskaya);
  • Range of Semi-Finished Products & Cookery from Clarias Gariepinus & Technology to Breed It in Ponds (by A. Dulina and O. Udalova);
  • Range of Cheese with White & Blue Mold based on Natural Raw Milk of Astrakhan Region (by M. Lazko and E. Kondratenko);
  • Enhancement of Technology & Technique to Sow seeds of Melon Crops (by O. Bespalova);
  • Phytobalms of Insofit Range & Glitsirfit Drops (by L. Sukhenko).

Russian original information and photo source: the Department of Agribusiness, Technologies, & Veterinary Medicine of ASU; the Official Web Resources Support Directorate of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)