Artois University & Astrakhan State University to Launch Joint Master Courses

Artois University & Astrakhan State University to Launch Joint Master Courses

The two universities became partners several years ago; in 2016, they agreed on academic mobility in particular fields that are of special importance for France and Russia.

Studying languages and intercultural management is one of those fields. Artois University is already delivering an applied master program in this area; it also has an up-to-date educational program and ideas for its further development. Now a joint master program is going to be launched at Astrakhan State University as well.

In the present-day rapidly changing multicultural world, specialists capable of handling efficient international communication are definitely of high demand. The joint master program aims to train professionals who will launch and manage projects in Russia and outside it successfully. Those specialists will speak several foreign languages and have a sound knowledge of management, business planning, and international law. Generally speaking, they will be able to work efficiently considering with national and cultural specifics of European and Asian countries.

Besides people of our Department of Foreign Languages, the joint program aims at young economists and lawyers, as there are economical and legal disciplines in its syllabus.

The primary language of education shall be English; its second language shall be French, since it is our partner’s native language. A third language shall be an Asian language – Japanese, Chinese, or Korean, as these countries are the most promising in the field of joint business projects.

Highly qualified professors of ASU will deliver disciplines included in this program. Most of them have US education (they are graduates of Clark University); many professors have been to European and Asian universities and completed training programs there. French and American specialists are to take part in the educational process as well.

Thanks to our cooperation with Artois University, it is now possible for our people to cover training programs in France and other EU countries.

The joint master program will be of special interest for both people of Astrakhan and neighboring countries. Absence of Russian speaking skills quite often becomes a barrier for our foreign guests to get education in Russia. Studying at our joint master course, they would master several widely spoken foreign languages, which would be their substantial comparative advantage afterwards.

For additional information please contact: e-mail:; phone: +7-8512-391-757.

Russian original information source: the Institute of Language & Communicative Business Strategies of ASU

Translated by E.I. Glinchevskiy (REC “Caspian Higher School of Interpreting & Translation” of ASU)