ASU Teachers Managed to Surprise the Invited Experts

ASU Teachers Managed to Surprise the Invited Experts

On October 11-13, 2018, an advanced training course «Application of Interactive Methods in Teaching Practical Professional Skills to Legal Students» was held by the Centre of Legal Clinics Development together with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung foundation at Astrakhan State University.

The course is meant for teachers and Ph.D. students of legal faculties and includes a set of special training sessions from leading experts in the sphere of practice-oriented training. The offered innovative programmes aims at showing the way of the most efficient teaching of legal subjects to students. Involving the participants to the course activities allows them to make up a plan of an interactive class on a certain course and select the best methods and assessment criteria.

The ASU teachers, in their turn, also shared their own innovative ideas. Upon the course completion, they were given certificates on advanced training.

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