11 New Candidates of Sciences at Astrakhan State University

11 New Candidates of Sciences at Astrakhan State University

The teachers received their certificates on conferring the titles from ASU Rector Konstantin Markelov at another meeting of the Academic Council.

The longed-for certificates were given to Saniya Akhmedova, Galina Belolipskaya, Tatiana Goverdovskaya, Madina Dzantaleeva, Aleksandr Koshkarov, Ekaterina Kudryashova, Larisa Morozova, Altynay Chabakova, Yuliya Cherednichenko, Olga Chursina and Nikolay Khurchak.

The Certificates of Honour of the Astrakhan Governor for achievements in years-long dedicated work and high professionalism was handed to Zukhra Agleeva, Doctor of Philological Sciences and Acting Head of the Department of Modern Russian Language.

ASU teachers Aleksandr Koshkarov and Ravil Arykbaev, members of the FARmER project team, received certificates of authors and developers of digital courses of the international summer online school “Sustainable Agriculture”.

Besides, Ravil Arykbaev and Astrakhan State University are awarded with the letters of appreciation from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery of Astrakhan region for their active participation in organizing and holding significant events — the regional exhibition and forum “Day of Innovative Technology in Agriculture” and the competition “Young Farmer 2019”.

Teachers of the ASU Faculty of Foreign Languages were awarded with certificates for their victory in the 4th international professional competition among university teachers “Building Competencies in Professional Education 2019”.

The Youth Resource Centre of Moscow State Technical University awarded Astrakhan State University with the letter of appreciation for the support of creative activities of the youth and their involvement into social practices, development of key skills on creating media content and its promotion in tourism.

Finally, the awarding ceremony was concluded with another pleasant acknowledgment — Sergey Zabelin, a staff member of the ASU Unit of University Media Content, received the certificate of the winner of the regional stage of the Russian national award “Student of the Year 2019” in the category “Student Mass Media of the Year”.

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