ASU Spin-off Companies Will Participate in Startup Bazaar Exhibition

ASU Spin-off Companies Will Participate in Startup Bazaar Exhibition

During the event, which takes place on May 21-22, young teams will present promising Russian developments at various stages of completion — from prototypes to finished products.

For example, the scientific and technological company “Marine Robotic Systems” (a Skolkovoresident) is going to present an unmanned maritime system (development stage), while Caspy New Start will present their amphibious equipment (pilot stage).

This year, the online exhibition will bring together about 200 startups.

Online communication with the exhibition visitors will be organized between 12h00 and 14h00, Moscow time.

The 2D version of the exhibition is already available on the website in Expo section, while its 3D version will be opened a few days prior to the event.

Engineering Project Office