ASU Students Can Register for Engineering Hackathon

ASU Students Can Register for Engineering Hackathon

The Southern Shipbuilding & Shiprepairing Centre has hosted a business meeting of the organizing committee of engineering and technical competition “Engineering Hackathon”.

It should be recalled that participation in the competition is open for engineering and technical students of all HEIs and colleges of Astrakhan region and young specialists of shipbuilding companies under the age of 25.

The competition was launched on July 22, 2020. Now the first stage is under way — registration of the participants and creation of personal accounts on the World Engineering Competitions platform.

At the meeting, the organizing committee approved a concept of preparing tasks for all the participants who registered in the first round. Competition tasks are formed on the basis of the project design documentation for the vessels that are being built at the main production facilities of the Southern Shipbuilding & Shiprepairing Centre.

According to the provisions, participants are to complete at least 2 tasks at the first stage of the competition.

Use the link to register for participation., a website on shipbuilding, shipping traffic and shiprepairing, is an official information partner of the event.

Engineering Project Office