Chair of Management and Finance

Chair of Management and Finances
ASUs Chair of Management and Finances was founded in December 2006. It is headed by Dr. Vyacheslav Solopov.
Dr. Solopov is a graduate of Astrakhan State University; he is a qualified teacher of Mathematics and a psychologist. He continued his education in the field of Economics. He became a PhD in Economics in 2000, and a D.Sc. in the same field in 2006.
Dr. Solopov has published 45 research papers in Economics and 3 papers in teaching techniques. He regularly participates in international symposiums, conferences, and in seminars; he is also a member of several professional organizations that operate in the field of R & D activities at business enterprises. In 2006, he took part in the international “University Administration System in the U.S.” program. Besides his having published a number of papers, Dr. Solopov is also a member of editorial boards of two national scientific journals – “Astrapolis: Astrakhan political researches” and “Logistics”.
Dr. Solopov is a research supervisor for many students writing their research projects to obtain a Bachelors, a Masters, or a PhD degree.
The staff of the Chair carries out researches in the following fields:
  • Business process reengineering (analyzing the corporate management structure);
  • Optimization of logistic processes at Astrakhan Regions enterprises;
  • Introduction of a new system at enterprises to manage their resources;
  • Development of techniques to estimate the efficiency of allocating new production facilities as per the available technologies;
  • Development of economic grounds for profit distribution between shareholders and managers;
  • Enhancement of business operating efficiency;
  • Planning the social and economic development plans for urban areas;
  • Development of social partnership conception elements.
Our Chair is in close contact with both public and private organizations. All the research projects written by our students are based on the real tasks set by top managers of real enterprises. A diploma project implies providing recommendations to tackle such tasks. As for nowadays, the staff of our Chair cooperates with more than 60 enterprises of Astrakhan region.

Последнее редактирование: 01-04-2010