Faculty of Economy & Management

Faculty of Economy & Management

Maksimov, Ivan Vladimirovich

D.Sc. in Law, Full Professor – Acting Dean



Is it true that you pay a lot of attention to teaching your students foreign languages?

That’s true. A peculiar feature of education at our Faculty of World Economy & Management is studying English throughout the whole educational cycle, which makes our alumni competitive at the labor market. Many specialized disciplines are delivered on the base of the most modern US books, and some of those books haven’t still been translated into Russian. A whole number of disciplines is delivered in English. Besides, our students studying the specialization “Tourism” must study a second foreign language – French, German, Italian, or Turkish. It increases their chances to find a job with international companies, whose number in Astrakhan Region is constantly growing. Moreover, our students may get an extra education by covering the program “Interpreting & Translation in the Sphere of Professional Communication”, which also contributes to their successful careers.

Could you tell us about advantages of studying at the Faculty of World Economy & Management?

Our University is Astrakhan Region’s largest university. There’s an economy of scale effect: the more good students and professors we have, the better our students are trained. Besides, a classical university (and ASU is a classical one) has all the necessary conditions to train good economists. Actually, modern economical education isn’t only specialized disciplines. It dwells on profound knowledge of Math and foreign languages – these disciplines are traditionally studied at a classical university. Another advantage is that our education is fundamental; it meets the level of education at the world’s top universities, which is achieved by using academic books, manuals, and tests developed by professional economists with a worldwide recognition (there are Nobel Prize laureates among them). We combine substantial fundamental training with a practical orientation of studies; when our Chairs develop plans of our students’ practical training, themes of their diploma projects and course papers, they aim to tackle the relevant social and economic issues. Moreover, we involve management of various business companies and top officials of legal authorities in research supervision of our students’ papers and research projects. Our students’ best papers are presented to Governor of Astrakhan Region every year, and then they’re introduced into practice. And after all, our students cover practical training programs at Astrakhan Region’s key enterprises.

I heard it’s quite frequent that your alumni continue their studies by covering a master course at the world’s and Russia’s best universities. Is it true?

Yes, that’s true. Every year our alumni enter master courses of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the European University at Saint Petersburg, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Most of our ex-students, who have already completed their coverage of such master programs, work with large international companies, with the World Bank, with the Federal Ministry of Economic Development, with the Federal Antimonopoly Service, and so on. Some of our alumni study at prestigious universities of Spain, France, and other EU countries.

Последнее редактирование: 27-01-2020, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович