Faculty of Digital Technologies & Cybersecurity

Faculty of Digital Technologies & Cybersecurity


Azhmukhamedov, Iskandar Maratovich
D.Sc. in Technology, Full Professor – Dean

What are the differences between the specializations “Information Systems & Technologies” and “Information Science & Computing”?

As for “Information Systems & Technologies”, we train future programmers, software developers. Its main disciplines are related to software and to databases. Our alumni can work both with specialized companies that develop software and with companies of any other type, for example, maintaining and enhancing their accounting information systems.

Speaking about “Information Science & Computing”, I should say we pay more attention to training network administrators and specialists who will develop and program microprocessor devices. Its syllabus includes such disciplines as Circuitry Engineering, Electronics, Microprocessor Systems, Networks & Data Communication Systems”, and so on. Our alumni can work as IT specialists within a wide range: system administrators, electronics engineers, etc.

I’d like to become a teacher of Mathematics or ICT. Is that possible at the Faculty of Mathematics & Information Technologies?

In 2015, we’re admitting students to specializations “Mathematics” and “Applied Mathematics & Information Science”; its alumni will become wide-profile specialists in the field of Math and ICT; they can work as teachers of math and ICT, as programmers, or as IT specialists.

What are employment opportunities for your alumni?

Most students begin to work in the field of their future professions when they’re 3rd or 4th-year-students. Thus, they combine their studies with their practical professional activities. After they graduate, some of them works all over the country with most different companies, among them top national ICT companies, such as Yandex or Our alumni work with companies whose activities differ much – from telephone companies to large banks, insurance companies, and retailers.

How is practical training organized at the specialization “Biotechnical Systems & Technologies”?

Our students attend practical workshops and laboratory classes that are delivered by practicing physicians working with Astrakhan’s top hospital – the Alexander & Maria Regional Clinical Hospital; modern medical equipment for educational purposes. Students’ practical training is also arranged in this hospital, as well as in the Federal Center of Cardiovascular Surgery.

What entrance examinations do I have to take to be enrolled to this Department?

To be enrolled to any specialty delivered at our Department, you have to take an examination in Russian and in Mathematics.

I’d like to become a certified teacher of Math or ICT. Is it possible to get this qualification at your Department?

In 2017, we are admitting students to such specialties as Pedagogical Education (Mathematics, Physics) and Pedagogical Education (Physics, Information Science). Anyone who completes these programs can work as a teacher of Math and Physics, or Physics and ICT respectively.

Последнее редактирование: 03-02-2020, Глинчевский Эдвард Иванович